As a result of chemical dependence, the body craves more and more of the substance to function normally. Even if a person intends to quit, their body may start to malfunction without the drug. As a result, quitting cold turkey on one’s own is never recommended, as the severe withdrawal symptoms may require someone to get immediate medical help or hospitalization.

  • A life of sobriety is the goal for every person who walks through our doors and every team member is passionate about helping you achieve that goal.
  • From their friends and family to members of support groups, there are plenty of people who care about them and can help them along the way.
  • An addiction doesn’t just simply taper off; it will continue to escalate until there is nothing left to lose.
  • Properly applied, MAT can ease withdrawal symptoms and minimize cravings, significantly reduce the risk of overdose, and lay the groundwork for lifelong recovery.

Just because you need those pain meds for your leg doesn’t mean that abusing them isn’t a form of drug addiction. Medication doesn’t just count as a valid form of addiction when it’s gotten in illegal quantities through a stolen prescription pad or improper channels. However, despite the latest research from mental health and therapy professionals, there are several serious misconceptions people still believe. A process addiction is when a particular behavior becomes a compulsion for someone.

Myth About Addiction: Addicts lack moral fiber

When someone uses drugs or drinks alcohol, the reward center in their brain is triggered. For some individuals, the body will begin to crave this feeling. No matter how “strong” someone is, they could develop an addiction.

Is relapse uncommon in addictions?

Between 40% and 60% of addicts will inevitably relapse. This figure, however, does not represent every person who has completed treatment. It is important to understand the high probability of relapse and learn the proper tools to maintain sobriety.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, Gateway Rehab offers a multitude of recovery services and educational programs. Because some people feel a great deal of shame about their substance abuse they often hide it. For the most part, people don’t want to lie so they typically omit or sidestep relevant information that they feel will get them judged or punished by their loved ones. Like all of the myths thus far, the “rock bottom’ myth has serious repercussions that enforce a counterproductive course of action…if any action at all. The implication that a person is powerless to seek treatment until they’ve lost all their resources or support networks directly suggests one has to lose everything in order for care to be effective.

Myth #6: Medication during detox and recovery is just switching one addiction for another.

We can’t tell for sure what factors are in every case, only that there is research to back up the involvement of each of the above factors and that every case is different and unique. And that’s what makes addiction tough to talk about – its cause can’t be generalized, simplified, or blamed on a single issue or problem. It’s a complex system of related issues, medical and societal.

myths about addiction and recovery

At Anabranch Recovery Center, located in Terre Haute, Indiana, we will provide you with the care you need to become sober. Give us a call, and take the first step on the path to recovery. Regardless if an addict is drinking, gambling, or using drugs – even in private – it eventually does begin to hurt people around them. Addiction can not only affect myths about addiction and recovery others, but it can also ruin other people’s lives, especially those closest to the person. Addiction can also destroy relationships because, let’s face it, it’s not easy to see a loved one suffer. This type of disease usually causes behavioral changes in people, leading to them acting differently towards their friends and family members.

All addiction treatment is expensive.

There are two reasons why it’s dangerous to quit cold turkey. First, when your body begins to experience intense withdrawal symptoms, they may be so unbearable that you could be tempted to give up and seek out drugs or alcohol to stop them. Whether you are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction or it is someone you love, knowing the truth about this condition is critical.

Most of the time, people turn to drugs and alcohol as coping mechanisms. So, the stress from moving away from everyone you know, getting a new job, or going to college can be enough to cause a person to return to bad habits. Amanda is a prolific medical content writer specializing in eating disorders and addiction treatment.

You Can’t Be an Addict if You Have a Full-Time Job

In most cases, people don’t seek treatment because they’re ashamed. If you show someone you aren’t judging them and encourage them to get help before they hit rock bottom, they may listen. Studies show that people who volunteer for treatment and those who were pressured into it still experience the same success rates. If a loved one isn’t ready to begin treatment, at least they are aware of the option to get better, so don’t wait to express your concerns. While addiction can be a result of many factors such as genetics, trauma, and mental illness, anyone can develop an addiction. It’s important to know that no one chooses to have an addiction.

  • Today, there is the added concern that many otherwise non-fatal, recreational drugs are contaminated with fentanyl.
  • Many prescription drugs are commonly abused, including narcotic pain medications, ADHD medications, and anxiety drugs.
  • Addiction to drugs or alcohol is a multi-faceted, individualized chronic disease.

Not everyone who uses these substances becomes addicted, but occasional use can quickly become misuse or abuse. To overcome the challenges of addiction, patients must have the lifelong commitment it takes to achieve total sobriety and overall wellness. The specific treatment plan that is developed always includes a plan for after the rehabilitative process is over. But it’s also important to know that many people fail to remain sober after drug and alcohol rehab.

Prolonged alcohol abuse can lead to serious health complications, overdose, and even death in the same way that heroin or opioid addiction can. Furthermore, detoxing from substances due to chemical dependency is an incredibly unpleasant process with dangerous withdrawal symptoms that are worsened the longer a person waits. The “rock bottom” concept isn’t a medical term and doesn’t apply to other medical issues such as cancer or diabetes, so it should never be in the conversation when encouraging recovery. In conclusion, addiction is a complex and often misunderstood condition. By debunking these common myths and misconceptions, we can help people better understand addiction and seek the help they need. With all the highly-publicized cases of celebrity drug addiction and its frequent portrayals in the media, most of us think we know quite a bit about addiction.